Our Story / Exploring Through Our Lens Story
Exploring Through Our Lens is the brain child of Dan & Patti Hunt who were were married in August of 2008 and 2 months later Dan became seriously ill with West Nile Virus. Patti, was high school teacher for 20 years and became an international speaker and trainer, inspiring and educating others to live their dreams. Dan worked in the entertainment industry for most of his life; actor, stuntman, producer and director. He even taught a film class at Villanova University, creating a film with his students that was in contention for an Academy Award. Once Dan recovered, the Hunt’s realized they were not living life fully. They were financially devastated from the event and just trying to make ends meet, they took a chance and changed everything. They quit their jobs and started their own company. Their core mission “To help others before they get in the situation they found themselves in”. The Hunts have traveled the world speaking to crowds from 100s to 1,000s of people, always with the positive messaging of living life to the fullest. They are that couple that does everything together; shopping, cleaning, working, enjoying life and everything in-between. Working together can be challenging at times but if you have ever seen them on stage or in a video you would see the magic they create.

Mission Statement
Inspire others to live their lives, by experiencing our journey as seen through the lens of our camera.
Time is our most valuable asset!
Realizing this simple statement we have decided to make the most of the time that we have and live the life we want now. For years we went to jobs, worked long hours just to make ends meet